Mr. Suresh Pillai, our CEO, was a guest speaker at the Rural Market Growth Strategy Summit in Mumbai on the 8th & 9th of March, 2018
Our key take-outs from other presentations – digital technology coupled with a series of Governmental initiatives have greatly supplemented the sector’s efforts to solve the crucial marketing aspect of Reach. The need for organizations to treat Rural as a distinct entity from Urbanized thinking & personnel was emphasized. Trust and Credit are the two currencies that operate here.
We are, however, concerned about the underlying thought that Rural is ‘mysterious’ and taming it a daunting task. This appears to be a hangover of the ‘data darkness’ that existed vis-a-vis rural until recently.
Today, a powerful tool like BrandIdea Analytics – riding on granular data-science – can unravel Rural by defining – quantitatively and qualitatively – the construct and contours of any rural market down to the last village or hamlet, on any parameter that the Marketer desires.
A focused and clear prioritization strategy, based on precision targeting using new analytical tools – has crunched the time to operationalize Rural. Long gestation to profits and out-of-reach geographies is history.